Friday, January 13, 2012

Standards Based Assessment

I was thinking the other day as my classes approach mid-terms, do I truly know that every single student has learned each standard?  Tough question considering I see 150 7th/8th grade students each day!  Despite the fact that it is a tough question, it is a question that needs to be asked, by all teachers.  I feel like this is why teachers are hesitant in moving to a standards based assessment for their students.

Standards based assessment should produce better students AND teachers!  The students should see that it is more about WHAT they are learning, not what SCORE they are receiving.  The teachers should see that it is more than just moving from lesson to lesson or unit to unit, but mastering ideas and concepts.  Too often it is easy for a teacher to give a number (percentage) or letter and "prove" the student has learned the concept, but have they really?  Teachers often complain that students ask "is this getting graded" before they start an assignment!  I know I have, but aren't we (the teachers/schools) the ones that have caused this problem?  Schools/teachers talk about, impress the importance of grades, so how can we be upset or surprised when the students are focused on the grades as well!?

I think it is time for schools and teachers to change the focus!  I know I have seen the need for it in my classroom.  I know it will not be easy, but what major paradigm shift is?  So regardless of the state funding, the type of students, the number of kids in your classroom, it is time to re-focus and make it happen. 

Let's give less homework, make learning more authentic, and see the students truly engage in learning!

And one more thing.....wouldn't technology be a logical tool for teachers to make learning more authentic, more engaging?!  


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resources at your fingertips

I know so many educators know about LiveBinders, but I wonder how many of them are like me? I was sent an e-mail about it and how great it was, but you get busy, you fully intend to go check it out, but often never make it back to those great ideas. Well I am here to say MANY are missing out, LiveBiners is such an amazing resource! I just searched the public binders for solar system binders, there are 54 of them! We teach about the solar system in 8th grade science, LiveBinders is like having 54 teachers say hey, here are my solar system resources....have a look! How great is that?

I also looked up binders on math, technology and many other topics. I just hate to think how many teachers are missing out on opportunities to find great resources with little work!

I also see opportunities to create unit binders that students would have access to at home, how great would it be for your students to run into trouble, forget a resource, and boom there it is at their fingertips.

Technology is offering our school systems amazing opportunities to engage and reach students.....why are we letting these opportunities slip by?! So many will benefit, administrators, teachers, support staff, and most importantly STUDENTS!

This coming new year I hope all the educators who are "connected" will reach out and show (I mean really physically show)some of your coworkers LiveBinders and the many other great resources out me they will be amazed, I was!